Think Green

Transforming Waste:


1. Landfill Gas to Energy


Waste Management creates clean, renewable energy from ordinary waste.

Landfill gas is a renewable energy source. Waste Management's landfill gas-to-energy projects generate enough energy to power 400,000 homes every day. That offsets almost 2 million tons of coal per year. These projects also reduce emissions of greenhouses gases into the atmosphere – an added bonus for our environment. Waste Management currently has 110 landfill gas-to-energy facilities and is working toward a widespread implementation for the future.


2. Waste-to-Energy

The average person generates 4.5 pounds of waste per day. We reuse it to generate power.

Wheelabrator is a waste-to-energy technology that converts solid waste into clean, renewable electric power. Since the 1970s, Wheelabrator facilities have turned over 145 million tons of municipal solid waste into 75 billion kilowatt-hours of energy. That's enough to power 700,000 homes EVERY day.


3. Recycling

Today, as natural resources become scarcer and manufacturing costs rise, recycling is more important than ever. That's why Waste Management is making recycling easier than ever.

We're working to find the most efficient and forward-thinking approach to waste. With the help of citizens like you, all of us can help protect the environment and improve the quality of life on the planet we share.


Recycling World

Last year we recycled enough paper to save 41 million trees.

Waste Management provides environmentally friendly, cost-efficient, recycling solutions to households, businesses, and municipalities across the U.S. and Canada. Through its 109 material recovery facilities, WM processes more than 5.5 million tons of recyclables each year, making it the largest recycler of municipal solid waste in North America.

What Can I Recycle?

Thrift, saving, and re-use are habits earlier generations of Americans knew well. Recycling is simply a modern version of these character traits, helping us make the best use of our planet's limited natural resources. Recycling your daily newspaper, plastic bottles and other items is a great way to help.

See how the actions you take affect the environment.

Start Recycling

Thank you for joining in the effort to conserve natural resources and protect the environment. You can take pride in knowing that, by recycling, you are making a better, cleaner world for people today and leaving a better planet for future generations. Click on the map at the right to find the Waste Management Recycling Facility nearest you.

What Happens To My Recyclables?

Your recyclables are collected and sent to a recycling facility. There, workers use advanced equipment to sort the items by material type and other qualities. The sorted materials are compressed into large rectangular bales and shipped to processing plants to be made into new products. This sets the process in motion all over again, while helping conserve valuable natural resources.

Single-stream Recycling

If you have single-stream-recycling, you don't have to separate your recyclables. Instead of using one recycling bin for paper and another for glass, metal, plastics and so on, everything goes into the same bin.

Second Life.

Using advanced technology, Waste Management is revolutionizing the single-stream-recycling process.


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:

Why doesn't Waste Management provide recycling in my community or city?
Procuring recycling services is the responsibility of the municipality. If the citizens of your community would like to discuss recycling options with Waste Management, you may reach one of our Recycling Coordinators by clicking here.
Why does the list of acceptable recyclable items vary by area?
Waste Management tailors specific recycling programs for each municipality we serve. For this reason, programs may vary not only by area, but also by community.
Why aren't recycling facilities available in every city?
In order to be economically feasible, recycling requires that a lot of material be available for recycling. It is simply too costly to provide a processing facility within each community.


5. Beneficial land Reuse

Waste Management landfills give back to communities and the environment in unexpected ways.

Not only do Waste Management's beneficial land reuse projects create environmental habitat programs, they also provide recreational areas like golf courses and bike parks to a number of communities nationwide. In addition, Waste Management develops landfills that are sources of clean, renewable energy that powers hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses across the U.S.

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